Hobana, Ion

Personal Name: Hobana, Ion
Agency: RO: BJBN
Works: 65 works in 65 publications in 3 languages
Cristofor Columb by: Dumas, Alexandre, Père (Language materials, printed) Translator [730]
Baletul mecanic by: Petrescu, Cezar (Language materials, printed) Others [570]
Baletul mecanic : Roman by: Petrescu, Cezar (Language materials, printed) Editor [340]
Călătorie în Faremido; Capillaria by: Karinthy, Frigyes (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Ciuma stacojie by: London, Jack (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Descoperirea Americii : Cristofor Columb (1436-1506) by: Verne, Jules (Language materials, printed) Translator [730]
Călătorie întreruptă : roman by: Hobana, Ion (Language materials, printed)
Caleidoscop : poezii pentru copii by: Hobana, Ion (Language materials, printed)
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