Popescu, Dumitru Radu

Personal Name: Popescu, Dumitru Radu
Agency: RO: BJBN
Works: 65 works in 65 publications in 3 languages
Cipi, acest pitic uriaş by: Fodor, Sándor (Language materials, printed) Translator [730]
Din lumea umbrelor by: Hinoveanu, Ilarie (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Complexul Ofeliei by: Popescu, Dumitru Radu (Language materials, printed)
Aducerea-aminte sau uitarea? : Versuri by: Voronov, Juri (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Cei doi din dreptul Ţebei sau Cu faţa la pădure : roman by: Popescu, Dumitru Radu (Language materials, printed)
Cîinele de fosfor : versuri by: Popescu, Dumitru Radu (Language materials, printed)
Die beiden vor dem Berg : roman by: Popescu, Dumitru Radu (Language materials, printed)
Călugărul Filippo Lippi şi călugăriţa Lucrezia Buti by: Berlusconi, Simonetta (Language materials, printed) Others [570]
9 piese de teatru by: Popescu, Dumitru Radu (Language materials, printed)
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