Sever, Alexandru

Personal Name: Sever, Alexandru
Agency: RO: BJBN
Works: 20 works in 20 publications in 1 languages
Don Juan apocalipticul by: Sever, Alexandru; Maria, Constantin Radu; Manescu, Theodor; Barbu, Eugen (Language materials, printed)
Descăpăţînarea sau Pragul de taină : Tragedie în cinci acte by: Sever, Alexandru (Language materials, printed)
Cartea morţilor : roman by: Sever, Alexandru (Language materials, printed)
Boieri şi ţărani by: Sever, Alexandru (Language materials, printed)
Anul gol : Roman by: Pilniak, Boris (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Eseuri critice by: Sever, Alexandru (Language materials, printed)
Impostorul: roman by: Sever, Alexandru (Language materials, printed)
Cercul : roman by: Sever, Alexandru (Language materials, printed)
Anul gol by: Pilniak, Boris (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Charlotte Löwensköld : Roman by: Lagerlöf, Selma (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
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