Silvestri, Artur

Personal Name: Silvestri, Artur
Agency: RO: BJBN
Works: 39 works in 39 publications in 4 languages
Der archetypus der skytischen mönche : essays zum "Parallelen Byzanz" by: Silvestri, Artur (Language materials, printed)
Dora-dor ou Le chemin entre deux portes by: Iliescu, Antonia (Language materials, printed) Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. [075]
Apocalypsis cum figuris : Sept nouvelles fantastiques et un épilogue by: Silvestri, Artur (Language materials, printed)
Doamna Ambasador : şapte evocări sentimentale şi un interviu de altădată by: Păcurariu, Doina (Language materials, printed) Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. [075]
Apocalypsis cum figuris : şapte nuvele fantastice cu prolog şi epilog by: Silvestri, Artur (Language materials, printed)
Clopotele Athosului by: Chiriac, Bucur (Language materials, printed) Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. [075]
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