Sorohan, Elvira

Personal Name: Sorohan, Elvira
Agency: RO: BJBN
Works: 12 works in 12 publications in 1 languages
Povestiri; Poveşti; Amintiri by: Creangă, Ion (Language materials, printed) Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. [075]
Istoria ieroglifică by: Cantemir, Dimitrie, domn al Moldovei (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Măştile puterii by: (Language materials, printed) Others [570]
Ipostaze ale revoltei la Heliade Radulescu şi Eminescu by: Sorohan, Elvira (Language materials, printed)
Letopiseţul Ţării Moldovei : precedat de O samă de cuvinte by: Neculce, Ion (Language materials, printed) Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. [075]
Cantemir în cartea ieroglifelor by: Sorohan, Elvira (Language materials, printed)
Introducere în opera lui Ion Budai Deleanu : studii by: Sorohan, Elvira (Language materials, printed)
Drame : Despot Vodă; Fîntîna Blanduziei; Ovidiu by: Alecsandri, Vasile (Language materials, printed) Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc. [075]
Letopiseţul Ţării Moldovei; De neamul moldovenilor by: Costin, Miron (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Cartea cronicilor : Antologie by: (Language materials, printed) Book designer [130]
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