Ştrempel, Gabriel

Personal Name: Ştrempel, Gabriel
Agency: RO: BJBN
Works: 10 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
Catalogul manuscriselor româneşti. Vol.4: (1062-1380) by: Ştrempel, Gabriel; Moisil, Fl.; Stoianovici, L. (Language materials, printed) Author [070]
Opere by: Antim, Ivireanul (Language materials, printed) Others [570]
Opere by: Antim, Ivireanul (Language materials, printed) Others [570]
Bibliografia românească modernă (1831-1918) by: Ştrempel, Gabriel (Language materials, printed) Author [070]
Cronograf by: (Language materials, printed) Others [570]
Bucureşti - Paris, via Mirceşti by: Vulcănescu, Elena (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Catalogul manuscriselor româneşti : B. A. R. : [Biblioteca Academiei Române] by: Ştrempel, Gabriel (Language materials, printed) Author [070]
Catalogul manuscriselor româneşti by: Ştrempel, Gabriel (Language materials, printed)
George Bacovia : bibliografie : 1971-2001 by: Donea, Marilena (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
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