Updike, John

Personal Name: Updike, John
Agency: RO: BJBN
Works: 17 works in 17 publications in 2 languages
O lună de duminici : Roman by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
The Mabinogion by: (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
The Complete Shorter Fiction by: Melville, Herman (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Centaurul by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
Rabbit e bogat by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
Of the farm by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
Rabbit se odihneşte by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
Muzee şi femei by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
Terorisul by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
S : Roman by: Updike, John (Language materials, printed)
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