
Topical Subject: Baroc
Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 4 languages
În umbra picturii baroce by: Morar, Diana Cristina (Language materials, printed)
Essential Baroque : over 2 hours of sublime Baroque Masterpieces by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
Enregistrements : 1927-1939 = Recordings = Aufnahmen by: Segovia, Andrès (Sound recordings, musical performance)
Meister des Barock = Masters of baroque by: Corelli, Arcangelo; Sammartini, Giovanni Battista ; Telemann, Georg Philipp (Sound recordings, musical performance)
Best of Baroque by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
Geneza barocă a filosofiei moderne by: Dumitrescu, Marius (Language materials, printed)
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