- Culegere de surse istorice
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Dumitrescu, Doru Author: Manea, Mihai Author: Popescu, Mirela Statement of Responsibility: Doru Dumitrescu, Mihai Manea, Mirela Popescu Published: Nomina Place of Publication: Pitești Year of Publication: 2010 ISBN: 978-606-535-268-1 Description: vol. Language: Romanian Contain: Culegere de surse istorice. vol.3. Lumea contemporană Contain: Culegere de surse istorice. vol.2. Lumea modernă; Lumea contemporană Contain: Culegere de surse istorice. vol.1. Antichitate. Lumea medievală Subject: Istorie universală Subject: Antichitate Subject: Evul Mediu Classification: 94(075.35)
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