- Shaping the Way We Teach English: From Observation to Action : a video-based professional development resource for teachers of English as a Forein Language
Tipul înregistrării: Materiale de proiecţie sau video : monografic
Editura: Office of English Language Programs Locul publicării: Washington Anul Ediției: 2013 Descriere: 4 DVD video / set Limba: Engleză Conține: Shaping the Way We Teach English: From Observation to Action. DVD 2. Secondary: Teens : Units 8-10 Conține: Shaping the Way We Teach English: From Observation to Action. DVD 1. Primary: Very Young & Young Learners : Units 1-7 Conține: Shaping the Way We Teach English: From Observation to Action. DVD 3. Post-Secondary: Young Adults & Adults : Units 11-13 Conține: Shaping the Way We Teach English: From Observation to Action. DVD 4. Supplementary Resources Subiect: Limba engleză - Metode de predare - Documente audio-video Clasificare: 811.111:371.3
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