• Consilierea copiilor : o introducere practică
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Geldard, Kathryn
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Geldard, David
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Yin Foo, Rebecca
    Translator: Andriescu, Miruna
    Statement of Responsibility: Kathryn Geldard, David Geldard, Rebecca Yin Foo ; trad.: Miruna Andriescu
    Published: Polirom
    Place of Publication: Iași
    Year of Publication: 2013
    ISBN: 978-973-46-3870-3
    Edition: Ed.a 2-a rev.și adăug.
    Description: 448 p.
    Notes: Bibliogr.
    Notes: Index
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: Educaţie -- Învăţământ
    Subject: Psihologie - Psihologia copilului
    Subject: Dezvoltare personală
    Subject: Psihoterapie
    Shelf number: 37/G29
    Classification: 37.048
    Classification: 37.695
    Classification: 159.922.7
    Classification: 082.1 Psihologie clinică şi psihoterapie
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