• Dr. Martin Luthers Werke: In einer das Bedürnisz der Zeit berücksichtigenden Auswahl
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Luther, Martin (1483 nov. 10 - 1546 febr. 18 )
    Author of introduction, etc.: Vent, H. L. A.
    Statement of Responsibility: Dr. Martin Luther ; Vorwort: H. L. A. Vent
    Published: Bey Friedrich Perthes
    Place of Publication: Hamburg
    Description: vol.
    Notes: Opere
    Language: German
    Subject: Protestantism -- Reforma
    Subject: Protestanţi -- Luterani
    Subject: Teologia dogmatică
    Subject: Teologia pastorală
    Subject: predici doctrină mântuire graţie polemică
    Shelf number: I 328
    Classification: 23: 284
    Classification: 252
    Classification: 284.1
    Classification: 252=112.2
    Classification: 234.2=112.2
    Classification: 23=112.2
    Classification: 23 Luther, M.
    Classification: 284.1(430) Luther, Martin
    Notes: fond.documentar fond.doc.ger BGB
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