• Elementarbuch der griechischen Sprache: für Anfänger und Geübtere
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Jacobs, Friedrich (1764 oct. 6 - 1847 mart. 30 )
    Statement of Responsibility: von Friedrich Jacob
    Published: Verlag von Friedrich Frommann
    Place of Publication: Jena
    Year of Publication: 1820
    Edition: Dritte verbesserte Ausgabe
    Description: vol. 3: XIV, 440 p.
    Notes: Manual de limba greacă
    Language: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
    Subject: Limba greacă veche
    Subject: Literatura greacă clasică
    Subject: Filosofie
    Subject: Biografii
    Shelf number: II 941
    Classification: 14(38)
    Classification: 811.14'02(035)=14'02=112.2
    Classification: 821.14'02(035)=14'02=112.2
    Classification: 929 Sokrates
    Classification: 14(38)=14'02
    Notes: fond.documentar fond.documentar.grc BGB
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