• Közgazdasági és Statisztikai Évkönyv: Hatodik-hetedik évfolyam 1892-93
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Compiler: Jekelfalussy, József
    Compiler: Vargha, Gyula
    Statement of Responsibility: Szerkesztik Jekelfalussy József és Vargha Gyula
    Published: Athenaeum R. Társulat kiadása
    Place of Publication: Budapesta
    Year of Publication: 1894
    Description: XV, [1], 560 p.
    Notes: Anuar de economie publică şi statistică
    Language: Hungarian
    Subject: Politică externă
    Subject: Statistică -- Demografie
    Subject: Anuar de economie publică şi statistică
    Subject: Ungaria Transilvania
    Shelf number: P II 387
    Classification: 311: 33(439)(05)
    Classification: 311: 33(498.4)"1892/1893"
    Classification: (498.4)31=511.141
    Classification: 311(498.4)
    Notes: fond.doc.hun
    Notes: fond.documentar
    Notes: fond.doc.hun
    Notes: fond.documentar
    Notes: fond.doc.hun
    Notes: fond.documentar
    Notes: fond.doc.hun
    Notes: fond.documentar
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