• Az 1872-dik évi pesti építkezések
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Kőrösi, József
    Statement of Responsibility: Írta Kőrösi József
    Published: Ráth Mór bizománya
    Place of Publication: Pest
    Year of Publication: 1873
    Description: 39 p.
    Notes: Sz. K. Pestvárosa Statisztikai Hivatalának Közleményei VIII.
    Notes: Construcţiile în oraşul Pest în anul 1872
    Language: Hungarian
    Subject: Construcţii -- Lucrări de construcţii
    Subject: Statistică -- Demografie
    Subject: Construcţiile în oraşul Pest în anul 1872
    Shelf number: P II 381
    Classification: 314: 624(439)
    Classification: 082.1 Sz. K. Pestvárosa Statisztikai Hivatalának Közleményei
    Notes: fond.documentar ex.l.Magistrat
    Notes: fond.doc.hun
    Notes: fond.documentar ex.l.Magistrat
    Notes: fond.doc.hun
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